Terminy druku i wysyłki

It's B-I-double G-ER on the Inside

przez cubik cubik
Sprzedaż tego projektu już się zakończyła! W sprzedaży: 11 lut 2013 - 13 lut 2013!
It's B-I-double G-ER on the Inside
"Over the last several months Doctor Pooh has been away and unfortunately suffered a CATastrophic accident. BUT AS YOU KNOW… this is not the end of the Timelord of little brain… he has regenerated.

Being a close friend of the previous generation, he’s kindly sent me a pic of his re-generation’s body…

I have to warn you though… He’s ginger (which I get the impression he quite likes)!

So without further ramblings, may I introduce ‘Doctor Hu-huh-huh-Whooo’…

Oh, and he’s asked me to tell you… “It’s Tigger on the Inside”!"


przez cubik